Previous Information.
In compliance with the provisions of art. 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the responsible ownership of this website, for all purposes, is as follows:
- Trade name and registered trademarks: Pepa Bandera© and Pepa Privé©
- Web responsible and data controller: María José Grande Brihuega
- DNI: 31258431M
- Address: C/ Luis Milena 10 – San Fernando (Cádiz) – 11100
- Email:
- Contact phone: +34 659 925 165
- Site hosting: IONOS CLOUD S.L.U.
Reference Legislation.
Hereinafter and throughout the website and its derived documents, the website holder will be referred to under the trade name GRUPO PEPA BANDERA, PEPA BANDERA© and/or PEPAPRIVÈ©, depending on the trade activity involved, and has developed the site in accordance with the following references:
- Electronic Commerce Law (LSSICE 34/2002, Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce)
- General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users (Legislative RD 1/2007)
- Organic Data Protection Law (L.O. 3/2018 on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights)
- European General Regulation (E.G.D.P.R. 679/2018)
- Website terms of use:
Codes of Conduct.
María José Grande Brihuega as a practicing lawyer is obliged to respect the Deontological Code of the Spanish Bar Association. Additionally, as a Senior Certified Data Protection Delegate ECPP APEP, she develops her activities in accordance with the Ethical and Conduct Code established by the Spanish Association of Privacy Professionals (APEP), which can be downloaded through the following link.