As a user, you should know that access to this website is free of charge and viewing does not require any prior subscription or registration.

Since our services are Taylor made, our website does not directly offer the sale of our services, so you will not be able to arrange them online.

These General Terms and Conditions of Use of website have been developed for the site or sites of the GRUPO PEPA BANDERA, which may appear as PEPA BANDERA (without the mention “GRUPO”) and encompasses the commercial brands “PEPA BANDERA” and “PEPA PRIVÈ” under the same ownership. Therefore, everything stated within the legal information texts of any of its websites refers identically to two different domains (www.pepabandera.es and www.pepaprive.es) using the same technology and hosting.

Hereinafter, they may be mentioned or referred to as “the site” or the “site” or “the website” and encompass the rights, duties, restrictions, limitations, and related matters that regulate your access and use, information, content, and commercial relationships derived from using it, and you must always read them when navigating through it as they may be subject to changes.

The information appearing on this website is current as of its last update, and GRUPO PEPA BANDERA may modify, cancel, suspend use, etc., unilaterally, at any time without prior notice and interrupt the website service if it so decides and without any need to communicate it.

If it is detected that a user’s use of the website could damage the image, interests, and rights of GRUPO PEPA BANDERA or third parties, as well as damage, disable, or overload the site, etc., the use by the offending person may be prevented.


The content of the webpage you are visiting unifies the commitments of GRUPO PEPA BANDERA, composed of the registered commercial brands PEPA BANDERA© and PEPA PRIVÈ© and their respective domains, all under the sole ownership of MARIA JOSÉ GRANDE BRIHUEGA and can also be viewed under the names PEPA BANDERA or GRUPO PEPA BANDERA interchangeably.

For the sake of transparency and ease of reading, you are informed as a user that:

  1. PEPA BANDERA© as a registered trademark concentrates the area of services of Management and Organization of Experiences and Events provided by MARIA JOSE GRANDE BRIHUEGA. On the other hand, PEPA PRIVÈ© as a registered trademark encompasses the legal services that MARIA JOSÉ GRANDE BRIHUEGA provides, related to Information Security (Data Protection, Brands, and E-Commerce).

2. In the texts of the website where technical service descriptions for each area are carried out, the denomination coincides with the commercial brand associated with the area.

3. In the legal texts included on the website, related to Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Legal Notice, Cookie Policy, and similar, references to PEPA BANDERA are made as a group covering both business sectors and therefore no distinctions are made as it is a single organization that only distinguishes two areas of work with different specialties and denominations through different brands.


The base language of the website is Spanish. An English version or another additional language may be offered, but PEPA BANDERA is not responsible for any lack of understanding or its consequences, so in case of doubt or discrepancy, the version and content that will prevail will always be in Spanish.


By navigating, you accept the established clauses and their content without any reservation. If you do not accept them, you must leave the site and will not be able to access or use the services it offers.

PEPA BANDERA is only responsible for its own products or services and not for the content that users may send or publish, thereby exempting itself from the content, information, opinions, or comments disseminated through its website or the use that each person makes of all of them outside of it.

PEPA BANDERA considers all the content on this website as merely informational and does not have a contractual nature until the purchase is fully completed and validated by the website owner.


In principle, the content of this site is suitable for all ages, but PEPA BANDERA reminds adults with minors under their care that it is their sole responsibility to determine which services and/or content should be viewed based on the age of these minors. In any case, service contracts will not be accepted if the client is not of legal age or emancipated minor.


Any link that appears on this website referring to third-party sites is not under PEPA BANDERA’s control at any time, and therefore, PEPA BANDERA is not responsible for the content or privacy conditions or personal data processing of those sites.


The entire site, including but not limited to content presentation, layout and programming, graphic design, logos, source codes, software files, texts, editing, and other elements, buttons, designs, trademarks, displayed photographs, texts, images, graphics, icons, technology, links, and other audiovisual or sound content, color combinations, as well as the structure, arrangement, selection of materials, programs, access, and use, are protected by the Intellectual and Industrial Property laws of the Kingdom of Spain and by any applicable international treaties or conventions.

Therefore, their reproduction, public communication, reuse, forwarding, extraction, use, transformation, or distribution is absolutely prohibited without being understood as granting any of the exploitation rights to the user beyond what is strictly necessary for the correct use of the site. Written prior authorization from PEPA BANDERA or, in the case of texts and designs, from their authors who have collaborated in the site’s development, is required in all cases. Any unauthorized use will, therefore, be considered a serious breach of the author’s intellectual or industrial property rights.

Providing access to all these elements does not imply a transfer of ownership or granting of a usage right in favor of the user. None of PEPA BANDERA’s logos and registered trademarks may be used or reproduced without our prior written authorization.

It is prohibited to attempt or obtain the website’s content by any means other than those made available to users, as well as those commonly used on the web.

If you have authorized PEPA BANDERA as a user to have your personal information, ratings, or personal image appear on the website, and another illegitimate user misuses and unauthorizedly uses such information, PEPA BANDERA will not be responsible for such use. However, you retain the ability to exercise your data protection rights.

Similarly, individuals who voluntarily provide images or other graphic or multimedia information to PEPA BANDERA, even to advertise their products, simultaneously assign their reproduction rights while such material remains on the web server.

The user is only authorized to print excerpts or documents from this site, except for content that is the property of a third party and has been identified as such, for non-commercial use, provided that all copyright notices or other intellectual property rights notices and all disclaimers of liability present in them are included in all these copies and prints.

The proper or improper use of this page and its contents is the responsibility of the user.


PEPA BANDERA provides access to and use of this Website with diligence and responsibility and will make all reasonable efforts to include accurate, complete, and up-to-date information but does not guarantee its accuracy, completeness, or the frequency with which it is updated.

Therefore, PEPA BANDERA will not be responsible in any case for manipulation of the provided or entered information or altered by breaking established security measures, or compromising systems, accessing messages, or sending computer viruses.

PEPA BANDERA will not be responsible for any direct or indirect, consequential or punitive damage or loss that the user may suffer as a result of an error or omission, printing errors, outdated information, technical or price inaccuracies, typographical or other errors appearing on the website, as well as errors, defects, and omissions in the provided information, provided that they come from external sources. If detected, they will be immediately reformulated and communicated to the affected users.

Any content or link provided by users or third parties that is contrary to national or international legislation, or that is offensive, pornographic, defamatory, humiliating to morals or public order, contrary to equality between men and women, ages, races, religions, political identity, attacks against youth or childhood, public order or security, defamatory, etc., PEPA BANDERA may reserve the right to remove it and inform the competent authorities of the content or incident in question.

If any content is found stored on sites external to WWW.PEPA BANDERA.ES or WWW.PEPAPRIVE.ES is linked to our site but independent of it, such as forums, chats, blogs, social networks, and similar, or users introduce information of the nature expressed in the previous paragraph on the website, PEPA BANDERA is not responsible under any concept or scope of the published information, nor will it indemnify for any resulting damages.

From PEPA BANDERA, we will collaborate in the removal, tracking, or blocking of any content that may affect our users or contravene national or international legislation. Therefore, if you locate any of this content and consider it offensive, we invite you to communicate it to us as soon as possible for analysis and possible removal.

In case it becomes necessary to perform maintenance, updates, or service improvements, we may suspend or interrupt the provision of the service.

We are regularly updated to the state of the art, but PEPA BANDERA cannot absolutely guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements on the website that could cause alterations in the user’s computer system and therefore reject any contractual or non-contractual liability, direct or subsidiary, with the person or company that might be harmed in any way by causes such as those described below, without being limiting but illustrative:

  1. Damage that may be caused to the user’s equipment by using the Website.
  2. Flaws and/or defects in the transmitted, disseminated, stored, or made available content.
  3. Damage or loss derived from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns, or disconnections in the operational functioning of this electronic system, due to causes beyond PEPA BANDERA.
  4. Delays or blocks in the use of the system due to deficiencies or overloads in its Data Processing Center, telephone lines, the Internet system, or other electronic systems.
  5. The legality, reliability, and usefulness of the content transmitted by users, its truthfulness or accuracy.
  6. Security, viability, usefulness, reliability, content, services, and speed of the hyperlinks incorporated into the website for opening others.


Through our website, as a user, you can navigate for free and accept that access is at your own risk and that neither PEPA BANDERA nor any other party involved in the creation or issuance of this website will be responsible for any type of damage, including without limitation, any special, direct or indirect, consequential, incidental, or resulting damage, nor punitive, that may occur after accessing this website.

Navigation and use will be based on the principles of good faith, prohibiting any actions to the detriment or harm of the website or third parties, thus by navigating you commit to a lawful, legitimate, and correct use of the information or content accessed, all under absolute respect at all times for the current legality.

These Terms and Conditions of use require you to always act in accordance with good customs, the Law, and the demands of good faith, without harming or deteriorating the normal functioning of the website, the goods or rights, and the good name and commercial image of PEPA BANDERA, its suppliers, the rest of the users or interested parties.

Therefore, as a user, you commit to:

  1. Provide the data accurately and keep it updated.
  2. Not infringe intellectual, industrial property, or trade secrets rights.
  3. Not destroy, alter, use for personal use, disable, or damage the data, information, programs, or electronic documents of PEPA BANDERA, its suppliers, or third parties.
  4. Not introduce, store, or disseminate through the Web any element (program, data, virus, code, applets, macros, Active X controls, equipment, etc.) capable of causing damage to the website, services, equipment, systems, or networks of PEPA BANDERA, the user, PEPA BANDERA’s suppliers, or any third party, or capable of causing them alteration or preventing their operation.
  5. Properly safeguard the “Username” and “Password” provided by PEPA BANDERA, not transferring them to third parties, assuming responsibility for any damage and losses that may arise from improper use of them. You must inform us as soon as possible of their loss or alteration.
  6. Not engage in advertising activities or commercial exploitation through the website, nor collect or store personal data of third parties.
  7. Not use false identities, nor impersonate the identity, passwords, access keys, messages, emails, etc., of other people on this site.
  8. Not introduce, store, or disseminate on or from the website any information or material that is defamatory, injurious, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, incites violence, discrimination based on race, sex, ideology, religion, or in any way attacks the morals, public order, fundamental rights, public freedoms, honor, privacy, or image of third parties, and generally complies with current regulations.


On WWW.PEPA BANDERA.ES or on WWW.PEPAPRIVÈ.ES (by redirection), the Privacy and Data Protection Policy is published in the main menu, which describes the processing of personal data in the company, as well as the Website’s Cookie Policy. If it appears under the name PEPA BANDERA on the PEPA PRIVÈ site, it is because it is the same entity but with two differentiated business areas distinguished only by the commercial brand.


The Terms of Use and General Conditions of this website and any other text incorporated into the site have been drafted in accordance with the content and principles established in Spanish legislation and must be interpreted accordingly.

Any discrepancy, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 14.1 of EU Regulation No. 524/2013 on online dispute resolution in consumer matters, the European Commission provides you, as a user, with an online dispute resolution platform at the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/

For the resolution of any dispute arising from the existence, access, use, or content of the website, both parties submit to the jurisdiction and competence of the Courts and Tribunals of the province of Cádiz. Although for disputes arising from the possible purchase of our services online, they would be subject to the Courts and Tribunals of the buyer’s domicile. However, for the moment, online reservation or purchase is not available.


WWW.PEPA BANDERA.ES and the redirected domain to it WWW.PEPAPRIVÈ.ES have an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Certificate to ensure the security of data transmission.

With this, the information is transmitted encrypted, ensuring that it is only intelligible to the user’s terminal and the site’s terminal and guarantees:

  • That you are communicating your data to the site’s server center and not to another.
  • Encrypted transmission, preventing reading or manipulation by third parties.

It confirms a secure navigation by verifying an environment that offers:

  • The web address will start with https://.
  • The icon of a closed padlock appears in the browser bar.
  • You can verify the presence of the SSL certificate in the browser.


For any questions or inquiries regarding these Terms and Conditions of Use, we are available at the contact phone number 659925165, or via email at: info@pepabandera.es

Updated: January 2023